Ideologue Revealed!
Read his latest article here
Thursday’s article, a full eleven days since his latest spew on the Oregonian’s editorial pages, discards the traditional Reinhardian tactics of ignoring reality in favor of talking points. The time off has apparently given him perspective on more than his RNC fax machine.
“This has never happened here before, and it has taken some getting used to on the part of your scribe. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has actually done something that makes sense, while President Bush has taken a position that's disappointing in the extreme. There, I said it.”
He doesn't mind facts that suit his purposes, though. He brings up the $4 million in the bloated Transportation Bill for the Portland Streetcar, and goes on to say, "Surely, those who say they're worried about the Gulf Coast cleanup's impact on the deficit can bring themselves to delay such projects until the next transportation bill." Who needs a streetcar anyway, right, Reinhard? Way to bat for your home team.
But why is Reinhard, a selfish Republican, advocating that Oregon give up its already paltry transportation winnings? It must be to form the base of his argument, that giving up pork is good. That's fine as an argument, but do a little investigative legwork, and find out who is actually abusing the bill. Excoriating your own state for getting funding for transportation projects in the transportation bill is not the corruption that people are decrying in the transportation bill; it does have legitimate uses, like expanding light rail to conserve energy. Reinhard is incapable of even finding decent points to make his arguments with.
Back to his grudging admission of reality: at the end of the article, Reinhard comes to the conclusion of a "temporary" tax increase. Did you hear that, everybody? He doesn't want to raise taxes! He's not a commie! It's only temporary!
He stated first at the outset of the article, "I yield to no one in my zest for tax cuts." Okay, to what extent?
How long should we cut taxes? If Reinhard's zest were allowed to run unchecked (as simlar zests have done in the last five years), how much is too much in tax cuts?
Reinhard does not advocate a sound tax policy. He advocates a perpetual cutting of taxes, regardless of how the government works with or without taxes. He reveals himself as an ideologue, and not someone who wishes to see govenment function properly.
Do we really want an ideologue spewing partisan slogans on editorial pages? Why can't we have people with solutions, instead of agendas, disseminating their ideas?