Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Like a certain President....

Dave has gone AWOL.

Oh, I'm sure he has merely taken a sumemr recess to go fishing in Alaksa, which he has mentioned doing in past columns. And to be sure, the lack of his right-wing clap-trap has made reading the Oregonian sufferable.

So, in the meantime, I just want to point out the whole idea that invading Iraq would pave the way for democracy in the Middle East and take the wind out of the jihadists' sails has gone along quite swimmingly!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gosh, you mean you can't impose and promote democracy by preventative war and regime change? Who wouda guessed?

12:23 PM  
Blogger true_slicky said...

Good point, who would've guessed?

Excepting, of course, the millions who protested in the streets prior to the Iraq invasion in 2003.

When is a good time to start saying "I told you so?" Is now a good time?

1:09 PM  

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