Thursday, December 08, 2005

Praise the dead Ditto-head!

Reinhard’s latest piece of excrement that masquerades for a column praises John Holmason, someone Reinhard has never met, for something he heard his stepmom say.

He “believed 100 percent in what he was fighting for,” she said.

Reinhard dedicates a full quarter of his column to make the point that the Lance Corporal should be honored not just because of his service, or his enrollment in the military, or his fighting for the US, but also, because he was fully and thoroughly brainwashed.

He then bounces around in seeming incoherence, reciting bullet points from the RNC counterattacks against Democrats about the war, with no bother to craft them together into one story.

“In brief, how do embrace (sic) the Democratic defeatism du jour and not tell the family of a dead soldier that their loved one has died in vain?”

You can't. Troops have died in vain. We can either keep pretending that they didn't, and let more troops die in vain, or we can apologize to the troops, and their families, and impeach George W. Bush.

What Reinhard and other RNC propagandists are unwilling to accept is that the Democrats have been right about this from the beginning. Their current defense goes like this:

“Well, now that it’s proved that you’re right, we can’t act like you’re actually right, or it would dishonor the troops!”


The troops deserve to know, more than the rest of us civilians, exactly how this war started. They have the right to know they are acting as mercenaries for the oil industry, so they can choose whether to continue in that capacity or not. Some will stay. Others, who would leave, are being swindled into risking their lives; and that is not just wrong, it is plain evil.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right on

7:47 PM  
Blogger true_slicky said...

Bob Herbert points out in today's New York Times, that it's hard for Dubya to convince us this war is necessary when it refuses to ask us- all of us- for sacrifices.

Poor rural kids make sacrifices, true. However, as Herbert puts it, "The youngsters sacrificed on the altar of Iraq should be drawn from the widest possible swath of the American population."

As a liberal, I support a draft, as long as their were no deferments available and no amount of money could be offered in stead. I also support a war tax, akin to an extra .01% of income to help pay the billions being hemorraghed into Iraq. This would be peanuts for the average Joe, but a good amount for those in higher income brackets.

Ultimately, I support our troops coming home and this foolishness in Iraq coming to an end. however, if the war continues but the above proposed comes to frution, then perhaps the death of Marine Lance Cprl. John Holmason wouldn't have been in vain....

11:53 PM  

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