You are not scared enough, dammit!
Boo, boo, boo boo boo! And a nasty "Bleargh!" as well!
Reinhard scored the front page of Sunday's commentary section in the Oregonian, doing what Republicans do best: getting people scared over nothing.
He thinks it is abhorrent that the public is not more scared. After all, THE TERRORISTS ARE EVERYWHERE!
Or so says Evan Kohlmann, who gave a frightening speech (discredited by the Oregon US Attorney at the podium) at the Sheraton last week that Reinhard attended. Our favorite ditto-head peed his pants out of fear of the terrorists, and so should we, he says.
"The paradox is that the better job law-enforcement does the more complacent the public becomes." Why, exactly, is this a bad thing? Complacent citizens make good consumers, which makes rich men richer. Why does Republican Reinhard have a problem with that?
Presumably because we are not being "vigilant" in noticing the threats to our "homeland." Reinhard helps us with out vigilance by listing the names of browner people than he, and the names of Islamic organizations to fear.
"The targets are here at home," he says. Really? Where? Since the World Trade Center towers were destroyed, I don't remember seeing any terror attacks in America.
"We're fighting them in Iraq so that we don't have to fight them here," remember, Dave?
My only guess is, if he can frighten enough Oregonians before 2006, a Republican might have a shot riding on Bush's very tattered coattails. That is Reinhard's typical political play: use disinformation and fear to try and sell the public something they don't need and they don't want.
Boo, boo, boo boo boo! And a nasty "Bleargh!" as well!
Reinhard scored the front page of Sunday's commentary section in the Oregonian, doing what Republicans do best: getting people scared over nothing.
He thinks it is abhorrent that the public is not more scared. After all, THE TERRORISTS ARE EVERYWHERE!
Or so says Evan Kohlmann, who gave a frightening speech (discredited by the Oregon US Attorney at the podium) at the Sheraton last week that Reinhard attended. Our favorite ditto-head peed his pants out of fear of the terrorists, and so should we, he says.
"The paradox is that the better job law-enforcement does the more complacent the public becomes." Why, exactly, is this a bad thing? Complacent citizens make good consumers, which makes rich men richer. Why does Republican Reinhard have a problem with that?
Presumably because we are not being "vigilant" in noticing the threats to our "homeland." Reinhard helps us with out vigilance by listing the names of browner people than he, and the names of Islamic organizations to fear.
"The targets are here at home," he says. Really? Where? Since the World Trade Center towers were destroyed, I don't remember seeing any terror attacks in America.
"We're fighting them in Iraq so that we don't have to fight them here," remember, Dave?
My only guess is, if he can frighten enough Oregonians before 2006, a Republican might have a shot riding on Bush's very tattered coattails. That is Reinhard's typical political play: use disinformation and fear to try and sell the public something they don't need and they don't want.